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For understanding and correct interpretation, the following terms are used in this Policy in the following sense:


You, your, yours – you as a personal data subject, whose Personal data is processed.



Processing means the processing of your Personal Data, which includes any action or set of actions such as collection, storage, usage, transfer, depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including using information (automated) systems.


Personal data – information or a set of information about you that allows identifying you. This information includes first name, last name, email, image.


Policy – this Privacy Policy.


Website – a website on the Internet located on the following hyperlink:


All other terms that are not defined in this Policy have a meaning that is specified in other documents of the Owner and in the Law of Ukraine "On personal data protection".




Consent to the personal data processing is provided in one of the following ways:

  • by sending/providing personal data to the Owner in the appropriate field on the Website;

  • by communication with the Owner.



The purpose of Processing your Personal Data is to provide you with the opportunity to provide charity support for the needs specified on the Website.




Your Personal Data is processed during the period of your communication with the Owner and during the period necessary for reporting on charity support and displaying your image as a benefactor.




Your Personal Data is processed in a form that allows your identification no longer than necessary under the purpose of its Processing. If you refuse to provide your Personal Data, you will not be able to perform charity work.


You have the right to withdraw your Consent to the Processing of Personal Data without giving reasons. In order to revoke your consent, you need to contact the Owner using the contacts contained in this Policy. From the moment of revocation of your consent, the Owner is obliged to stop Processing Personal Data, which will mean your refusal to publish your image on the website and from further interaction with the website.


Your Personal Data is collected by voluntarily providing your Personal Data on the site.


Modification, deletion, or destruction of your Personal Data may be carried out at your request following the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine. Changes to your Personal Data are made on the basis of a reasoned written request. At the same time, your Personal Data is subject to deletion in the following cases:


  • expiration of the period of storage of Personal Data determined by your consent to Processing;

  • termination of legal relations between you and the Owner;

  • in other cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.


The Owner processes your Personal Data on the basis of the following principles:


  • openness and transparency;

  • with the use of tools and in a way that meets certain Processing goals;

  • prevention of Processing of excessive Personal Data in relation to the stated purpose of Processing;

  • Processing solely those Personal Data that corresponds to the purpose of its Processing.


To achieve the purpose of Personal Data Processing, the Owner has the right to carry out cross-border (foreign individual or foreign legal entity) or local transfer of your Personal Data. The Owner has the right to entrust your Personal Data Processing to another person, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of Ukraine, on the basis of an agreement drawn up with such person. At the same time, data transfer will be carried out in a country which adheres to adequate measures to protect Personal Data or which is approved by the relevant state authority. A person who processes Personal Data on behalf of the Owner must comply with the principles and rules of Personal Data Processing provided for in this Policy and the current legislation of Ukraine.


The Owner does not make decisions based solely on automated processing of Personal Data that cause legal consequences against you or otherwise affect your rights and legitimate interests.


The Owner is obliged to block the Personal Data Processing in case of receiving a reasoned request from you or licensed regulatory authorities.


If the Owner must determine that the Personal Data is incomplete, incorrect, or not updated, he is obliged to supplement, change, or delete it, regardless of whether you have submitted a request for appropriate amendments.


Your Personal Data Processing is carried out openly and transparently via the means and in a way that meet the specific purposes of such Processing in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. Your Personal Data Processing is carried out under the conditions specified in this Policy.


The Owner notes hereby that in order to ensure the security of Processing your Personal Data, special technical protection measures are taken, also in terms of exclusion of the unauthorized (including physical) access to Personal Data that is processed and the operation of the technical and software complex through which Personal Data is processed.


Your Personal Data is processed in such a way that it makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to access it. The Owner takes technical, organizational, personnel, and legal measures or ensures their adoption to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access, collection, storage, usage, transfer, blocking, or destruction, and from other illegal actions.




You have the right:

  • to know about the sources of collection, the location of your Personal Data, the purpose of their processing, the terms, location, or place of residence (stay) of the Owner, and the legal consequences that may arise in connection with such processing;

  • to receive information about the conditions for granting access to Personal Data, in particular, information about third parties to whom your Personal Data is transferred;

  • to have access to your Personal Data and the information on which data is processed;

  • to receive no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine, a response on whether your Personal Data is being processed, and to receive information on the content of such Personal Data;

  • to submit a reasoned request to the Owner with an objection to the Processing of your Personal Data;

  • to submit a reasoned request for modification or destruction of your Personal Data by the Owner;

  • to have your Personal Data protected from illegal Processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, any other illegal interference, failure to provide or late provision of the data, and to be protected against providing information that is unreliable or discredits your honor, dignity, and business reputation;

  • to file complaints about your Personal Data Processing in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine;

  • to apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;

  • to make warnings regarding the restriction of the right to process your Personal Data when providing consent;

  • to revoke your consent to the Personal Data Processing;

  • to know the mechanism of automatic Processing of Personal Data;

  • to be protected against an automated solution that has legal consequences for you.




The provisions of this Policy may be changed by the Owner, and the Owner notifies you through the appropriate communication channels. Providing consent to data processing after such changes are made is an agreement with such changes.


If you need to communicate with the Owner about this Policy or exercise your rights, you can contact the following e-mail:


This Policy comes into force on June 22, 2022.

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